BSE Consulting Engineers can provide you with a slab or footing design for your project. For houses and similar structures (sheds and some light commercial and industrial buildings) we conduct our designs also conducted in accordance with AS2870:2011 Residential slabs and footings. This standard has been widely used for this purpose for number of years. It is economical and reliable, however, has some limitations. For structures outside the scope of AS2870:2011, footing design is conducted in accordance AS3600:2009 Concrete Structures.

Concrete has been successfully used in the construction of footings for many years. However it is not always suited to every project. It may be a particularly remote site that makes the transport costs of concrete prohibitive or a personal or corporate goal to avoid the use of concrete due to its relatively high environmental costs. Whatever the reason, we are able to formulate a Building Solution that meets both your intent and the performance requirements of the National Construction Code. Please check out our page on Alternative Solutions and feel free to give us a call to discuss your project.  

(03) 5221 5776
0499 076 424



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